Lauren Rust was notified about a dead bottlenose dolphin on Morris Island from eco-tour guide, Chuck Gainey on March 1st. The following morning, Lauren met Chuck and LMMN volunteers, Nora Futrell and Patrick Luzadder, to boat to Morris Island and conduct a field necropsy. (This was a big moment as it was the first time we at LMMN got to use our new boat for a stranding response! Thank you to everyone who helped make that dream a reality!)

Lauren and the team were able to collect morphometric data on this ~6 ft male juvenile dolphin. Externally, it appeared emaciated and had minor scavenging damage.
Gross necropsy findings include pale and congested lungs (probable pneumonia) and probable dehydration.
Despite this animal appearing skinny, it's stomach was full with undigested contents, suggesting it was feeding shortly before death.
Samples were collected and sent for further analysis.
Thanks to everyone who helped on this case!
