In 2024, LMMN became authorized by the National Marine Fisheries Service (Permit #27867) to conduct photo-ID in the Charleston area. Photo-identification allows us to identify and track individual dolphins over time. Weekly surveys in the Kiawah River allows us to better understand dolphin distribution and abundance. Additional questions will look at seasonal trends, strand feeding locations, relationships, health, and reproduction. Bottlenose dolphins are tracked by markings on their dorsal fin, the most visible part of their body. They gain these marking through feeding, socializing, mating or human-induced (boat strikes and entanglements). These markings are as unique as your fingerprint, allowing us to identify an individual over and over. Stay tuned for more information as this program develops.
This project is supported in part from funds generated by the South Carolina specialty license plates managed by the Protect Wild Dolphins Alliance. Click on the plate below to purchase yours and support marine mammal research in South Carolina!